15. März 2018 Koenigin a la chef
International Symposium on Maritime Health (ISMH 2018) - Hamburg - Website

15th International Symposium on Maritime Health

12. – 15.06.2019

The 15th International Symposium on Maritime Health (ISMH14) will highlight both the most recent and – even more importantly – the emerging approaches to maritime health with the singular goal of further enriching the health and quality of life of seafarers for the benefit of all stakeholders in the maritime industry.
With the timely theme of ‘Sea , Port , Health & Environment’, the Scientific Committee is preparing a comprehensive and provocative program that will be fully addressed through presentations of the latest scientific papers from invited keynote speakers as well as themed sessions and posters.

Vom Konzept über Design bis zur Realisierung, ich freue mich Ihnen die neue Website präsentieren zu dürfen.




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